LAMP (Long And Middle term voluntary Program) |
What is LAMP? |
Voluntary service for 2-12 months in centers for social welfare, environmental NGOs, etc...
Primarily, working in the partner organizations of international workcamps.
Usually, one volunteer in each organization.
Help with the projects of the partner organization and the preparation for and coordination of international workcamps.
Why is LAMP organized? |
a) To promote lasting change with specialized and sustainable voluntary works that improve the community
b) To provide opportunities for volunteers to connect with and learn from the community through enjoyment of local life and exchange
c) To empower not only the hosts, but also the local communities especially in depopulated areas
How to apply and cost? |
All applicants must send an application form, motivation letter and personal history through our partner organization in their home country (*Note: unless you are a resident of Japan or a Japanese citizen, please refer to the International Workcamp page for details on requirements).
Next, please call the NICE office (and if required, the host
organization) for an interview. A time will be appointed by NICE.
Food and accommodation are provided by the hosts.
There is no salary, but in some cases, some pocket money is provided by the hosts.
Travel costs to and from the projects must be paid by volunteers
If you have any questions, please email LM@nice1.gr.jp
Who can apply? |
General qualifications are the same as for Project No.1 International workcamps.
Volunteers need to be responsible, cooperative, flexible, adaptable and patient to make the most of a stay for longer periods in a different culture and lifestyle.